N I G E L W E L L I N G S psychotherapist & author
Psychotherapy /
Spiritual Mentoring
Describing something between psychotherapy and spiritual mentoring is not easy ... I have found people use it in different ways. Often it is about practicing meditation or about identifying a path that works for us. For others it is about establishing a mindful presence at the forefront of our lives. And for others still it comes quite close to a periodic psychotherapy session which centres on the meeting of our emotional and spiritual life. Basically this is a free space and how it is used is open.
There is also something else
Sometimes it is not enough to have simply received or read about spiritual teachings and then be left on our own to put them into practice. I have discovered through my own experience that it helps enormously to also have available someone to talk to about our path, who still understands what it feels like to be a beginner and who will take seriously and give time to even the most simple of questions or concerns. All this is made particularly true in a time when our teachers become less available to talk with and the hope of any personal relationship with them is usually impossible.
Do you teach a specific spiritual path?
No. Though my own area of knowledge and experience is within Buddhism, unlike many spiritual mentors I do not actively recommend any particular path or tradition and I avoid being either a guru or a priest. You bring your own journey and I may be able to offer different ways to think about where you are and be present with your experience which you can then try out and finally decide on for yourself. That all said, Buddhism does creep in and the Tibetan practice of Dzogchen has left an indelible mark.
How frequently do we meet?
This is entirely up to you. You may come just once, occasionally or more regularly - maybe every fortnight or monthly.
What do I do next?
Simply contact me and we can arrange an initial meeting.
Each session £55 - however reduced rates may be available for those on constrained incomes